
Audience CIA Mk-Ultra - 1995

lundi 11 février 2013

Témoignages de Valerie Wolf, Claudia Mullen et Christine DeNicola qui affirment que les expériences avec des radiations étaient faites dans le cadre de la programmation mentale.

Declassified MK-Ultra Project Documents

Table of Contents : Pages 1-101 page 001 : Proposal for stimulus response experiments on biological systems

page 002 : Memo, Destruction of drug and toxin related files

page 003 : Destruction of MK-Ultra Project files

page 004:Covert testing of materials on unwitting subjects

page 004 : Human testing issues, U.S. citizens and foreign nationals

page 006 : Covert Action Operations, chemicals and biologicals

page 007 : Inspector General & Agency controls over MK-Ultra Projects

page 008 : MK-NAOMI, destruction of toxin records, etc.

page 009 : Explanation of exemptions

page 010 : Behavioural control with chemical, biological and radiological materials

page 011 : Scope of MK-Ultra, testing on animals and humans

page 012 : Technical Services Division, biochemicals in covert operations

page 013 : Adminstration, Legalities, Disclosure, Exemptions from audits

page 014 : Administration, Inspector General, biochemical behavioural controls

page 015 : Human behavioural control ; radiation, electroshock, graphics

page 016 : Record keeping ; disabling and lethal substances.

page 017 : Record keeping, capabilities and limitations of operational substances

page 018 : Materials-behavioural and physiological changes in humans

page 019 : Mk-Ultra specialists, management design & funding

page 020 : Future evolution of the system, pharmaceutical products, links

page 021 : Testing, development, environmental testing on unwitting subjects.

page 022 : Working relationships with the Bureau of Narcotics for testing.

page 023 : Contingent effects of covert testing, economic loss, sickness, etc.

page 024 : Risk of physicians making correct diagnosis of covert testing.

page 025 : Covert testing of substances and devices on unwitting subjects.

page 026 : Risk of future release of information by unwitting test subjects.

page 027 : Current estimates of Mk-Ultra capabilities.

page 028 : Harrassment and disabling materials, Mk-Delta.

page 029 : Logistics of covert testing

page 030 : Mk-Delta organization, field testing, interrogations.

page 031 : Espionage operations, foreign developments in the field.

page 032 : Recognition and countering of hostile intelligence activities. Human behavioural controls.

page 033 : Basic research, procurement, testing, development of delivery systems.

page 034 : Administration, filing, and record keeping issues.

page 035 : Salaries, overhead, fees, related issues.

page 036 : Admnistrative organization, research and development plans.

page 037 : Admnistrative organization, research and development plans.

page 038 : Section cover sheet, blank, Tab A.

page 039 : Sensitive research areas : covert biological and chemical warfare.

page 040 : Section cover sheet, blank

page 041 : Percentage limits on invoices, certification, etc.

page 042 : Chemical materials causing reversible, non-toxic aberrant mental states. Potential for discrediting individuals, eliciting information, implanting suggestions, etc.

page 043 : Percentage limits on invoices, certification, etc.

page 044 : Organization, technical control of projects, etc

page 045 : Progress reports.

page 046 : Section cover sheet, blank.

page 047 : Administration, Director’s Office, Percentage limits on invoices.

page 048 : Certification of Invoices.

page 049 : Administrative organization of subprojects

page 050 : Research memoranda, Progress reports.

page 051 : Certification of Invoices.

page 052 : Hypnotic Experimentation Research

page 053 : Hypnotic Experimentation Research :

page 054 : Working committees, Administrative Plans, Field Demonstrations.

page 055 : University Psychology Department, letter.

page 056 : Report, letter.

page 057 : University expenditures

page 058 : Subprojects 5, 25, 29,and 49

page 059 : Subprojects 5, 25, 29,and 49 ; equipment purchases

page 060 : University psychology department memo.

page 061 : Subproject 5, invoice

page 062 : Subproject 5, invoice

page 063 : Subproject 5, invoice

page 064 : Transfer of research project to new University

page 065 : Correspondce-University Psychology Department

page 066:Correspondce-University Psychology Department

page 067 : University Expense Sheet

page 068 : University Expense Sheet- Receipt

page 069 : Check Receipt

page 070:Receipt Certification

page 071 : Receipt - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 072 : Receipt - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 073:Invoice - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 074:Invoice - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 075 : Certification - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 076:Finance Document - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 077 : Authorization & Time Schedule -Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 078 : Mk-Ultra Hypnosis - 100 Subjects, 6 experiments.

page 079 : Recall of hypnotically acquired information by signal

page 080 : Expense Report - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 081 : Expense Report - Mk-Ultra Subproject 5

page 082 Covert Security Clearance authorization

page 083 : Hypnotic experiment- technical details

page 084 : Hypnotic experiment- technical details

page 085 : Hypnotic experimen t- technical details

page 086 : Hypnotic experiment - technical details

page 087 : Handwritten notes on experiments

page 088 : Handwritten notes on experiments

page 089 : Handwritten notes on experiments

page 090 : Handwritten notes on experiments

page 091 : Handwritten notes on experiments

page 092 : Hand drawn room diagram, non-hypnotic recall

page 093 : List, Hypnotic recall

page 094:Handwritten notes, Hypnotic recall

page 095 : Handwritten notes

page 096 : Hand drawn room diagram

page 097 : Photo of experimental hotel room

page 098 : Photo of experimental hotel room

page 099 : Photo of experimental hotel room

page100 : Photo of experimental hotel room

page101 : Expense Sheet

continued : .pages 102 to 200


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